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"Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free"
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Principles of Freedom
of the united States of America
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Article 1: We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man and that he holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them, both in making laws and administering them, for the good and safety of society.  
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Article 2: We claim the Constitution for the United States of America to be a document prepared and adopted by inspired men as directed by Almighty God; and we claim that it is an uncompromising necessity to retain that document in its original, inspired form that liberty and good government may be preserved as intended by our Founding Fathers.
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Article 3: We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
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Article 4: We believe that religion is instituted of God; and that men are amenable to him, and to him only, for the exercise of it, unless their religious opinions prompt them to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others; but we do not believe that human law has a right to interfere in prescribing rules of worship to bind the consciences of men, nor dictate forms for public or private devotion. We concur with Blackstone's famous statement, "If ever the laws of God and man are at variance, the former are to be obeyed in derogation of the latter."
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Article 5: We do not believe it just to mingle religious influence with civil government, whereby one religious society is fostered and another proscribed in its spiritual privileges, and the individual rights of its members, as citizens, denied.
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Article 6: We hold that amending the original Constitution for the United States of America shall not occur except in accordance with the strict provisions for amendments as set forth therein. Changes shall not be arbitrarily imposed by judicial decisions, executive orders, or any other governmental action. We claim it is proper that the meaning of the Constitution should be explained as new conditions warrant, but never should the Constitution be amended to change its original, inspired intent; neither shall the popular vote of the people nor ratification by the States be permitted to defeat that original intent.
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Article 7: We claim that the purpose of the Constitution for the United States of America is to form a more perfect union, establish justice, assure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare; that is, wherein all men are benefited equally and are secured in the blessings of liberty.
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Article 8: We claim that no people can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.
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Article 9: We claim that We, the People, and their Land and Soil jurisdiction of the several States, should assume the responsibility of self-government by retaining and possessing the fulness of the powers and authority reserved by us in the original Constitution for the United States of America.
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Article 10: We claim that the individual has inherent and unalienable God-given rights and freedoms as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and further explicated in the Bill of Rights, and that no rightful delegation of these rights can ever be made to or be assumed by any governing body. We hold that the free agency of man, working within the legitimate bounds of these rights and freedoms, must be held inviolate. The Constitution provides to regulate bodies of men and not individuals.
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Article 11: We claim that the essential rights and freedoms set forth in the original Constitution for the united States of America should be diligently and justly guarded. No treaty, foreign agreement, or any other governmental action, domestic or foreign, shall be permitted to deprive any individual of the rights vouchsafed to him in that Constitution. We insist that foreign treaties do not supersede or defeat the provisions of the original Constitution for the United States of America.
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Article 12: We claim that freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press are solemn rights guaranteed by the original Constitution for the United States of America; but that these freedoms are not to be used to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others or to subvert or destroy that Constitution which guarantees God-given freedoms.
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Article 13: We believe that a government necessarily requires civil officers and magistrates to enforce proper laws, and that such officers as will administer the original Constitutional law in equity and justice should be sought for and upheld by the voice of the people.
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Article 14: We believe that civil magistrates should restrain crime, but never control conscience; should punish guilt, but never suppress the free expression of the soul.
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Article 15: We believe that it is the major duty of all public officials to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. We claim that every man should be responsible to bring offenders against the Public common law to justice. We hold that all men so charged shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and that all false accusers shall be summarily punished. We claim that the right to trial by jury, as put forth in the Magna Carta, shall not be denied any person. This is an unalienable right.
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Article 16: We hold that the people as the sovereign power reserve the right to be made aware of the actions of all elected or appointed governmental officials, while they are acting in their official capacity as servants of the people. We claim that individuals have the right to hold public officials accountable for their conduct and that interested individuals shall have access to all public records, in order that they may determine, without governmental harassment, whether such officials are properly representing them.
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Article 17: We hold that all public officials who take the oath of office to uphold and sustain the Constitution for the United States of America, and who violate that oath, shall be deemed guilty of high treason and of having committed a capital crime.
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Article 18: We hold that it is sedition to aid or abet or in any way to sustain, provide for or assist any person, group of persons, nation, or group of nations seeking to undermine our original Constitution for the United States of America.
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Article 19: We claim that the Federal, State, County, and City governments should not involve themselves in any economic activity, except as explicitly permitted by the original Constitution for the United States of America. We hold that any governmental body must not, in any way, restrain free and competitive institutions.
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Article 20: We support a free-enterprise economic system without governmental interference and restrictions. Inherent in such a system is the right to succeed or fail, the right to hold, develop and enjoy private property; and the right to exchange and profit.
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Article 21: We are opposed to mandated governmental charity. We hold that each individual should make every effort to be self sufficient and that the responsibility of helping the destitute be relegated to family, friends, or religious bodies, exclusive of any governmental jurisdiction.
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Article 22: We claim that taxes shall only be levied as authorized by the original Constitution for the United States of America, and that it is an unholy principle to levy income taxes. Each individual who enjoys the protection of government ought to bear his equal share of the cost of proper governmental functions. These governmental functions are to be limited to those which the original Constitution explicitly authorizes, and taxes imposed shall be uniform.
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Article 23: We believe in honest money, the gold and silver coinage of The Constitution for the united States of America, and a circulating medium convertible into such money without loss.
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Article 24: We maintain that all Federally controlled land and all other lands held by national agencies, with the exception of that land stipulated in the original Constitution for the United States of America for Federal use shall revert to the States and appropriately to private ownership. Any governmental body which presently does not have organic Constitutional authorization should be summarily dissolved and all residual effects of such programs, including real property and any improvements thereon, shall be returned to private ownership.
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Article 25: We claim that the Federal government shall exercise its power only within the strict construction and explicit boundaries delegated to that government by the original Constitution for the United States of America.
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Article 26: We claim that the checks and balances on the use of power by the three branches of government as set forth in the original Constitution for the United States of America shall be perpetuated and not removed, weakened or undermined.
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Article 27: We claim that the Federal government is the result of a contract among the States and as such is a unifying tie and is their common voice to the world. We hold that State governments are the voice of their respective citizens from whom they derive all of their authority. The authority of an individual State does not come from the Federal government; it can only come from the people of that State.
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Article 28: We claim that each State is sovereign under the American theory of jurisprudence. We hold that the Federal government has no authority to regulate or control the States in performing their functions as outlined by the original Constitution; further, we hold that the Federal government has no authorization to usurp these functions.
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Article 29: We claim that the Federal government shall not deprive the people of the united States of America of their property through unlawful taxation, confiscation, or deliberate misrepresentation in order to provide aid, gifts, subsidies or recognition to foreign nations and international organizations which are dedicated to the destruction of this nation. We are at war with atheistic international communism, which avowedly is dedicated to our destruction.
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Article 30: We claim that freedom of the press is not to be construed as license to undermine our Constitution. All those who own or control media of communications shall be held liable and punishable by law, when they willfully advocate destruction of the Constitution and ultimately the nation.
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Article 31: We claim that in order to preserve a strong nation that state militias ought to be organized according to the original Constitution for the United States of America, in order to do this, the individual right to keep and bear arms must and shall be maintained. In order to protect our country from external invasion and internal turmoil the States must be ready and willing to be called upon at all times. We hold that all men are justified in defending themselves.
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Article 32: We hold that the death penalty must be imposed as a proper punishment and deterrent for premeditated murder, forcible rape and other major acts of violence which result in mutilation of body or destruction of mind. We repeat that treason or felonious malfeasance of office on the part of any public official, appointed or elected, should be a capital crime.
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Article 33: We claim that life is a God-given right to the unborn and the aged and that no other agency has the right to take away that life. We hold that deliberate abortions and euthanasia must be placed in same category as premeditated murder, to be punished as capital crimes.
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Article 34: We believe in the first great commandment, which is to multiply and replenish the earth, and no government has the right to interfere with that religious belief as guaranteed by Constitutional law. We do not believe that any government has the authority to forcible miscegenate.
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Article 35: We claim the right to educate our own children, in either private or public schools, free from all Federal governmental control or jurisdiction. Each school should be under the jurisdiction of the parents or their delegates.
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Article 36: We claim that there are certain unalienable rights guaranteed by God to all men in the exercise of their free agency. These were sustained by the Founding Fathers and written into the Constitution. They need no interpretation, nor can they be abrogated by anyone other than God. It is not the prerogative of the President of the United States of America or any one of the Executive branch of government, nor is it the prerogative of the Congress of the United States or other legislators, nor any of the Judiciary including the Supreme Court of the United States, to abridge those rights or interpret them in any manner except as stated in the original Constitution for the united States of America. Moreover, the power to abridge such rights does not rest in any of the offices of any of the States; and it is the sole prerogative of the People to determine when such rights have been abridged or when they, the People, have been robbed of their agency; and it is within the power of the people to remove from office any of the officers of the Federal government or of the State who attempt by executive order or judiciary action or arbitrary interpretation to change the Constitution . Those who would unrighteously foist their will upon the People of the United States of America must be removed from office by due process of law, whether by impeachment or by initiative of the People.
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Principles of Justice of the united States of America
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